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A member registered Jan 06, 2021

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i think it was a remnant of the affection points system

An android version probably wouldn't be possible unless Dragon Island itself gets an android port but that's probably never gonna happen


They do know but they can't say much because it would spoil a lot about the inner workings of the game

They're all getting something but as for what it will be no one is sure

if you're on PC you don't need to worry, just be sure to not delete the old version of the game until you install the new one

as for Android it's a more complicated process

the vote is going on until December although considering it's likely the both of them are getting something of some kind it doesn't matter much at all

You unlock passwords as you go through the routes I believe

When you finish a route you get access to its guide in the gallery

I can't believe it but that Kounosuke route made him shoot up to the top spot in my ranking. You guys made him so much more relatable and the end parts of his route has me bawling like a baby.

I'm happy that despite everything this game is still alive, it brings me so much joy to play it.

Right now a vote is going on Patreon in regards to that

It just means their personal story is over, they'll still have a presence in act four but I assume all it means is that act four will mainly be starting to focus on the plot elements that have been building up in the background like whatever Zach has been up to and the killer

The game has a text to speech feature in it and you can indeed play the game with a controller

heavy spoilers below 

the scene where Ben reconciles with his ex and where it's revealed that it was actually he who ended things by ghosting him as well as the sequence where he comes to terms with the fact that it turns out he was the one sending emails to himself from his sisters account gave me very heavy silent hill 2 vibes. legitimately such a beautiful scene and much like the scene in silent hill 2 that reveals why James is there at all these events change a lot about the narrative like how Ben saw those eyes every time he did something with another guy because he was feeling massive guilt for just ending things by ghosting his ex like that and it was HIS consciousness and not his ex specifically staring at him knowing how shitty it was of him to do, and how him sending emails from his sister's email also changes some things too. here's hoping Ben improves from here on out, it speaks levels that even after learning he did such horrid things to his ex and his sister I can still sympathetize with him a good deal

Zach's route is already confirmed to happen after the main three

(1 edit)

I feel it's for the best a Chris route doesn't happen if only because he's the only possible route who'd have power imbalance issues. Kane is a sweetheart and I feel he'd work very well, I just hope he wouldn't have so much less time in the game since you only see him after the second act begins iirc

As for people going on about how certain things don't make sense I would suggest waiting for the next build that will release because while I'm not able to say anything it explains a good deal of stuff that's going on and has some good scenes in it that might satisfy you. Not every mystery is something easily explained but I do promise you it's rather simple to see where certain things will go if you reread the text and don't skip anything like some people here seemed to have lol

I feel like Santa Lucia is less like a traditional FVN in the way it handles a lot of its plot elements and feels more like an actual visual novel you'd see outside of the niche and while that might hurt how people perceive it at times I hope you guys keep to what you do best!

you can still access scenes in the game without being a patron, unless you just mean the gallery feature or something like that 

spoilers for the update down below 

i can't believe THIS was the game that made me fall for the my wolf meme and you can't even get with said guy, Kane is so sweet and I feel bad for him. He's not just hot but also friend shaped and I'd like to believe if not for everything going on with Ben and Bryan he'd make a good boyfriend for Ben.

The game is very linear that you don't need a walkthrough, if you want to get with X character just go down their choices

Kael has done quite a lot for people to be angry with him and has done not but come up with excuse after excuse.

(1 edit)

interesting of kael to post a convenient excuse for a delay on twitter, on the last day of March 2023 

Surely this is merely a coincidence and not a lie as kael has been proven to do before on other issues

Zach's route is still happening

there's very little that's aeffected by choice or at least anything major 

the only big thing as of right now is you won't see a dream with Carlos unless you say you're Catholic I believe 

If I were to guess there are probably earlier choices that might lead to either route, like how Ben SEEMS like he has a choice in regards to talking to Russell about his situation before the bit at the overlook.

Maybe when his route starts developing you could probably ask Russell about Katie over the phone before the overlook happens and since Ben is in a more reasonable state of mind at that point no fight will occur over it

the description was likely copy pasted from the Patreon when this was uploaded in January

same energy

Russell is getting his own route however the Patreon goals routes will be started on after the first main three are finished

They reached the Patreon goals for them several months ago

You're in luck because after the first three routes get finished Russell is getting a route along with Chris and Zach!

man that jacket fucks

when's the merch so I can buy one

if you're playing on mobile you can prevent this by finding the game files and copying the saves file, deleting the app, downloading the update and then pasting the saves into the games files 

likely would work the same if you somehow got this issue on pc

He's been on the route list for a long time now lol where have you been

not even half a build more like a Blackgate sized update which if you know anything about the infamous Bane/Blackgate situation that tells you all you need to know.

(3 edits)

the fact he releases something on Patreon only for it to be "half a build" after all that is embarrassing for someone who's in his thirties but also goes to show he likely only released it due to the backlash as well as to be all "UM but I do release content don't bully me!!!" and will now precede to use victim complex nonsense to justify everything

 honestly would have been less insulting to post an update on why the builds weren't coming in public rather than locking these sorts of things to only patrons, that's just scummy 

edit - apparently the new build is something like what Bane does with Blackgate where there's not very much new content whatsoever, you can't make this shit up lmao

the update when (or if) it comes out likely will just be an average sized update if only because with him reworking the code it doesn't mean much with an engine like renpy, and as for game size he's either compressing the sprites or splitting them into layers like other VNs do with the engine.

can we really call him nice when there's proof of him bullying people and being ableist and transphobic out and about even in his own server lol

bane is the person who runs blackgate which has been running for years off minimal updates 

Kael is similar in that while each update has more content than any blackgate update he simply isn't able to deliver on his own deadlines and gets into more shit than Bane who's only big problem is how he manages his game

unfortunately many just excuse his behaviors in his discord server and say he shouldn't look at criticisms and they also white knight for him elsewhere too